Directors from the UCLA Center Health Policy Research wrote an opinion piece in the Los Angeles Times calling for the Los Angeles City Council to enact a change in the living-wage ordinance.

The writers call Los Angeles the epicenter of the nation’s crisis in health insurance coverage and that one in four of the city’s residents are uninsured for all or part of the year.

Los Angeles has not increased a living-wage rate since 1997, when the city required contractors to pay a fair wage and gave employers incentive to provide health benefits. Under that ordinance more than a decade ago, employers would pay an additional $1.25 per hour so workers could purchase health insurance on their own.

The opinion of the writers: As city contractors fail to provide proper health insurance, the burden falls on taxpayers to provide medical help. It’s time to create a more fair living-wage ordinance.

What’s your opinion? Does your city have a similar ordinance? Do you disagree? Submit your thoughts below.