The honor, given by the Southern California Chapter of the association, recognized the project for the extensive changes it made in Cross Creek Road to ease traffic congestion, create a pedestrian-friendly environment and help improve ocean water quality.
The association picks its award winner every year to “recognize public agencies for their outstanding projects and programs and to share the wealth of good ideas.”
“We are pleased to be honored by public works leaders from throughout Southern California for the outstanding Cross Creek Road improvements made by our staff and contractors,” said Malibu Mayor Andy Stern in a city press release.
“This award-winning project helped relieve traffic congestion, attract pedestrians to downtown Malibu and improve ocean water quality through its use of environmentally sensitive construction techniques. The City’s staff is to be applauded for striking a balance between the needs of motorists and pedestrians and making strides to improve ocean water quality.”
According to the press release, Cross Creek Road was congested, without sidewalks, and victim to flooded and discharged stormwater, trash and pollutants into a local lagoon and beach due to inadequate drainage. All this was resolved with the 2005 Cross Creek Road Project with $2.4 million from the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, the City and a local developer.
“The crowds of people strolling and biking along Cross Creek prove this project has transformed Malibu’s main street into a thriving city center while maintaining the community’s rural residential character,” said City Manager Jim Thorsen in the press release. “We are proud to receive the Project of the Year Award for this innovative approach to easing traffic congestion, creating a pedestrian-friendly environment and improving ocean water quality.”