New additions to the Staff Reports section of PublicCEO come from the City of Orange. The October City Council reports fall into categories of alcohol and drug programs. 

The city proposed an ordinance that would require sober living facilities to obtain a permit to comply with specified regulations.

To both encourage and support the regional water conservation efforts for the County and preserve a vital natural resource, the City of Orange is encouraging a voluntary reduction in water usage for every City of Orange Water customer.

The Orange Public Library received a donation from the Friends of the Orange Public Library to purchase library materials. Acceptance of this revenue and its appropriation into the budget are requested.

The city council directed its staff to prepare an 18-month extension to the Information Technology Services Agreement. 

The city is also beginning a program to process all work orders electronically for the Utility Billing staff and field crew. This software will provide better customer service, reduce staff time and errors, and help the city to be more “green.”

Send your staff reports to Louis Dettorre at