The primary purpose of the informational hearing is to explore the current status of transportation in Northern California and to ascertain how that status will impact regional transportation planning agencies as they proceed to implement Senate Bill 375.
Signed into law in 2008, SB 375 aligns planning for housing, land use, transportation, and greenhouse gas emission reductions for California. The Committee will hear testimony from regional transit representatives and local government representatives about what state and local officials can do to guarantee success in helping California achieve the goals laid out in California’s historic environmental legislation, AB 32.
Scheduled to testify before the committee are: Michael Wiley of Sacramento Regional Transit, Jim Gleich of the Alameda County Transit Department, Gregg Albright of the California Business, Transportation, and Housing Agency, Gordon Garry of the Sacramento Area Council of Governments, and Rebecca Long of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission. Public comments are also welcomed.
Who: Assemblymember Eng, members of the Assembly Committee on Transportation, and local transportation officials
What: Assembly Committee on Transportation Informational Hearing on ‘The Future of Transit in California”
When: Today, Tuesday, December 8, 2009 from 1p.m. – 3p.m.
Where: Sacramento Regional Transit Administrative Building, 1400 29th Street, Sacramento, CA 95816