A component of this restoration is the creation of the National Commission on Intergovernmental Affairs (NCIR). U.S. Representative Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) has introduced H.R. 3332 – the Restore the Partnership Act – which would create such a commission.
The goal of H.R. 3332 is to facilitate the fullest cooperation and coordination between all levels of government. Creating a National Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (NCIR) would establish a permanent, independent, bipartisan group to study and consider the federal government’s intergovernmental relationships and the nation’s intergovernmental machination.
The 30-member commission would represent the interests of the federal system’s intergovernmental partners. The body would be the only established, freestanding part of the federal system in which the views of the federal government’s intergovernmental partners could be openly aired, and in which difficulties and inefficiencies in the federal system’s intergovernmental relationships could be examined.
CSAC is urging each member of the California Congressional delegation to sign on to H.R. 3332 as cosponsors. I urge you to support H.R. 3332 as well through your legislative platform and contacts.
Working together and with counties across the nation, we can make the National Commission on Intergovernmental Affairs a reality. To read more about the NCIR click here. To see the full text of H.R. 3332, click here.
Paul McIntosh
Executive Director
California State Association of Counties