The New York Times is extending its reach into the Bay Area.

The national newspaper’s new Bay Area Blog started on Oct. 23, following in the footsteps of the print edition’s “Bay Area Report” that appears on Fridays and Sundays.

Felicity Barringer, who currently oversees the Bay Area report, said readership is picking up and comes both locally in the Bay Area and nationally.

Barringer said the blog focuses on classic beats such as government, transportation, and law enforcement, as well as communities or interests that offer a distinction from the majority community.

The PublicCEO audience may be interested in reading a story from the blog such as An Oakland Police Sergeant’s View of the Drug Trade or Foster Care Faltering and Other Issues from the Bay Area Report.

PublicCEO recommends The Bay Area Blog to our California local government audience.

James Spencer is the Editor of He can be reached at