Titled the Safe, Clean and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2010, the bond measure would provide funding for water supply reliability, sustainability of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, water recycling, conservation, surface and groundwater storage, groundwater protections and cleanup and drought relief.
The measure is part of a landmark legislative package on water approved by the California Legislature and signed by the Governor in November 2009. The package addresses long-term improvements in statewide water management and water supply reliability, particularly in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, the hub of the state’s water system.
“The Helix Water District Board voted to support this bond because we recognize the need to invest in the water system and to address the challenges facing our long-term water supply,” said Board President Richard Smith.
If approved by voters, the bond measure would fund projects and programs to improve water supply reliability, sustain and restore the Delta, improve the operations of the state’s water infra-structure, expand water conservation and recycling, and protect groundwater and watersheds. It includes funding for all regions of California.