AB 155 (Mendoza) OPPOSE
On April 20, Assembly Bill 155 was approved by the Senate Local Government Committee on a purely party-line vote, with the three Democrats supporting the bill and the two Republican opposing it. This bill would require local agencies, including special districts, to obtain permission from a state commission before filing for chapter 9 bankruptcy.
AB 155 will next be heard in the Senate Appropriations Committee. This legislation has already cleared the Assembly. Therefore, should the bill pass the State Senate, it will be sent to the governor’s office for signature or veto. Visit CSDA’s Grassroots Action Center to find more information and to take action on this important issue.
SB 1005 (Cox) CO-SPONSOR
Also on April 20, Senate Bill 1005 passed the Senate Local Government Committee. This legislation, which CSDA has co-sponsored with the Association of California Healthcare Districts, would enable hospital districts to utilize design-build on hospital projects, where appropriate.
Design-build is an important tool that can save invaluable time and taxpayer dollars in some circumstances. Special districts should be afforded the ability to consider the right contracting option for the right job. SB 1005 will next be heard in the Senate Appropriations Committee.
SB 972 (Wolk) OPPOSE
Senate Bill 972 will be heard by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, May 4. This measure would limit special districts’ freedom to contract with design professionals by prohibiting any provision that the design professional immediately defend the special district under an indemnity agreement.
Special districts should remain free to negotiate defense and indemnification clauses without artificial statutory barriers. SB 972 would result in taxpayer dollars funding litigation in which special districts should not even be involved.