State Treasurer Bill Lockyer wrote a compelling opinion piece published in Wednesday’s Sacramento Bee regarding the current process California uses to pass a state budget.
The piece’s title, “Majority votes would end budget mess,” says it all. Some will argue that the State Treasurer is taking a partisan position. He will argue that his position is based in fiscal fact.
There’s no argument that the current two-thirds requirement to pass a state budget results in unnecessary delays annually that ultimately cost the state big bucks. The Treasurer points out that California has the lowest credit rating of any state in the nation – not exactly what we expect from the Golden State.
Each year, Capitol observers analyze the minority party, trying to figure out who will put up the votes needed to hit the magical two-thirds requirement to pass a budget. Sometimes these votes come with a cost; sometimes they just aren’t there and an impasse lingers. We wouldn’t be surprised if this year’s budget battle went well into the summer.
What must ask ourselves, “Does the current system work? And if not, how can we improve it?” State Treasurer Lockyer has his opinion. What’s yours?
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