State senator, former Assembly Republican leader Dave Cox died on Tuesday after a 13-year battle with prostate cancer.

The 71-year-old Cox served as a six-year Sacramento County supervisor before becoming a member of the Assembly in 1998 and the Senate in 2004.

Cox also served on the Sacramento Municipal Utility District Board.

Cox served
as the Chair of the Senate Local Government Committee and Vice-Chair of the Appropriations Committee. He also served on the following Committees: Banking, Finance & Insurance; Energy, Utilities & Communications; Health and Public Employment & Retirement.

From The Sacramento Bee:

“As a county supervisor, Cox consistently pushed for more “projects on the ground,” or PIGs, prompting county officials to present him with a live pig when he left for the Capitol.

“A moderate conservative, Cox has brought common sense and business experience to his work on the (county) board, and he has been a champion for smarter and more efficient government,” The Bee said in endorsing him for the Assembly in 1998.