Rizzo, who made global headlines over his nearly $800,000 yearly salary, opted not to show up to court on Thursday morning over charges of driving under the influence.
Rizzo was scheduled to be in court in Westminster after being arrested on March 6 for driving with a blood alcohol level of .28, more than three times the legal limit. The police responded to a call that a man had crashed into a mailbox and drove into an alley in Huntington Beach.
The 56-year-old did not attend the brief hearing on Thursday, as his attorney made the appearance on Rizzo’s behalf and told reporters he has “taken responsibility” for his drunk-driving case, according to a KTLA report.
KTLA reports that Rizzo has pleaded not guilty to the charge and is attending weekly two-hour alcohol-counseling sessions, according to his court file.
From KTLA:
Some Bell community members showed up in Westminster hoping for a glimpse of Rizzo who hasn’t been seen since the firestorm began.
“I wanted to tell him to come back to Bell to face the music,” said Bell community activist and resident Nestor Valencia, 45.