Local officials campaigning for re-election face at least two potential ethical and legal hazards: how you run your campaign and how best to function as an office-holder while running.

On the “how to run one’s campaign” issue, check out Win the Right Way: How to Run Effective Local Campaigns in California. A free online version is available from the Institute’s Website.

The Institute also has a limited number of hardcopy versions for sale (for an order form, visit www.ca-ilg.org/orderilgpubs). Proceeds from all publications sales support the Institute’s work in service to local officials. 

On the “conducting oneself as an official” issue, check out Campaigning for Re-Election: Legal and Ethical Red Flags. This piece identifies issues for local officials to be sensitive to, including seeking campaign contributions and endorsements, and using of public resources. 

ILG is the nonprofit research and education affiliate of the California State Association of Counties and the League of California Cities. The Institute’s mission is to promote good government at the local level with practical, impartial and easy-to-use resources. For more information on the Institute’s Public Service Ethics program please visit ca-ilg.org/trust.