Chula Vista’s budget woes are deeper than union concessions. Although helpful, the $430,000 in savings will be only a dent in the $18.5 million deficit.

This union, representing mid-level managers and some other employees, is the smallest in Chula Vista. Another union reached concessions in October. Even if all of the other unions accept concessions, more than 100 jobs will still have to be cut to balance the budget.

That would bring the total job loss in Chula Vista to nearly 400 since 2007.

From the San Diego Union Tribune:

Chula Vista’s smallest union has agreed to contribute more of its pension costs in an effort to help the city deal with an estimated $18.5 million budget gap.

The midlevel managers and other employees will in January begin paying the entire 8 percent employee share of their CalPERS retirement plan, the city announced last week. The latest agreement will generate more than $430,000 annually, city officials said.

Combined with compromises made in October from top executives and nonunion employees, the city estimates it will save $1.2 million annually.

Read the full article here.