It makes sense, even if it can offend some senses. When city services are facing further cuts, employees facing layoffs, and a city out of options, even gtrash can be a source of budgetary relief.
At least that’s what Pittsburg is considering.
By taking as much as 400,000 tons of San Francisco’s garbage, the city hopes to boost its budget by nearly $1 million. This could protect city services or employees from cuts.
From the Contra Costa Times:
The city of Pittsburg is exploring a partnership with San Francisco to bring in that city’s garbage by barge and truck it to the Keller Canyon Landfill south of town.
The move comes as San Francisco considers alternatives to its current contract to haul its 400 million to 500 million tons of garbage per year by truck to a landfill on the Altamont Pass in Alameda County.
The contract comes up in 2015, and there is also a plan under consideration to haul the containerized garbage by barge to Oakland and then by truck to a landfill in Yuba County.
Some San Francisco officials would like to place an initiative on the ballot to modify a Depression-era city ordinance and allow competitive bidding for all the city’s garbage business, a move that would open the way for an array of solutions and bids.
Read the full article here.