Each week, Louis Dettorre will provide the PublicCEO Staff Report of the Week. Nominate yourself or a colleague by e-mailing ldettorre@publicCEO.com. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The City Council and Board of Education of Pasadena recently recommended that a nine member Task Force be made to consider a Charter Amendment regarding the method of election for the School Board.

The City Manager and Superintendant of Schools were asked to change geographic sub-district elections and develop a district plan for each seat of the Education Board.

The dual role Task Force is asked to be made up of:


  • Three members appointed by Pasadena City Council
  • Three members appointed by Pasadena Board of Education
  • Two members appointed by Supervisor Antonovich
  • One member appointed by Sierra Madre City Council
In this report the Pasadena Unified School District will lead in the effort of the Task Force with the City of Pasadena providing support were it is determined to be necessary.

The financial burden of this Task Force is recommended to be equally shared between the City of Pasadena and the Pasadena Unified School District. It was further recommended that costs associated with district planning for the Board of Education is the sole expense of the Pasadena Unified School District.

This request stems from a resolution that passed in November 2010 calling for a change from at-large elections for Members of the Board of Education to a district-based election.  In January 2010 the Pasadena City Council passed Resolution No. 9090 endorsing the above resolution.

This nine member Task Force was called to be made by March 2011.

Louis Dettorre can be reached at ldettorre@publicceo.com. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it