The wet winter seems to have caught up with Requa, where a land slide has cut off residents from power, phones, and transportation for a few days.

The slide, which moved enough earth to block 120 feet of Requa road under 30 feet of debris, might take crews several days to clear. Meanwhile, the flow knocked out power and phone lines. Until the ground is stabilized and the road cleared enough to allow workers into the area, the residents of the small unincorporated community will have to get by on reserves and emergency supplies.

County resources are responding to the disaster, including road crews, emergency crews, and the county’s office of emergency management.

From the Daily Triplicate:

Requa Road is currently closed due to a massive landslide and could remain so for the next couple of days, authorities said.

Residents and visitors staying at the Historic Requa Inn are currently trapped above the slide without power.

Trees, rocks and dirt about 30-feet-high and 120-feet-wide is covering the road right before Hughes Road, County Road Superintendent Jeff Daniels said Sunday morning. A road crew is trying to remove the debris, while Pacific Power and Frontier tries to return electricity and phone service to residents, but “they could be without power for a time,” Daniels said.

Read the full article here.