They are asking for voluntary layoffs, allowing employees to opt to retire or lease, but if that is unsuccessful, the city will be forced to layoff between 20 and 30 percent of its work force.
Last year, the city let go 20 employees, but this year the number will be much higher at an estimated 70 to 100 people.
From the Victorville Daily Press:
The city manager is calling for voluntary layoffs, as Victorville prepares to let more workers go in attempt to balance an $8.4 million deficit that equates to more than 18 percent of its general fund operating budget.
Depending on the number of people who take the city up on its offer, an inside source said Victorville is prepared to lay off between 20 and 30 percent of its current workforce, or an estimated 70 to 100 people.
“Due to a severe drop in revenues over the last three years, we are anticipating additional layoffs to occur within the next two months,” City Manager Jim Cox said in a memo sent to all city staff.
Read the full article here.