The Finance Corporation has grown significantly over the past decade and we anticipate additional growth in the years to come. It is in this light that we found ourselves undertaking a nationwide search for a new Executive Director.
The CSAC Finance Corporation is pleased to announce that Nancy Parrish will assume the duties of Executive Director on Aug. 1.
Nancy will replace Tom Sweet, who retires in June after serving as the Corporation’s Executive Director since 2007. Tom – and Norma Lammers before him – set the bar high when it comes to directing the Finance Corporation. We are confident that Nancy is the right person to lead the Corporation into a new era, and she is prepared for the challenges we will face.
Nancy’s experience over the past decade will allow her to hit the road running. Since 2000, she has worked for NACo’s Financial Services Corporation, serving as its Director since January 2007. The CSAC Finance Corporation has worked jointly with the NACo FSC on the development and implementation of a number of valuable programs, including the U.S. Communities Pooled Purchasing Program and Nationwide’s Deferred Compensation Program. This relationship has been incredibly valuable to California.
Beyond providing highly valuable financial programs and services to California’s 58 counties, the Finance Corporation’s connection to CSAC has benefited our members in other ways. For example, revenues generated by the Finance Corporation play an integral role in our annual budget. And because of these revenues, CSAC has not only been able to forego annual dues increases, but has been in position to roll out new programs, such as the CSAC Institute for Excellence in County Government.
As a member of the Finance Corporation Board of Directors, I had the privilege of sitting on the interview panel. The level of the candidates we interviewed was extremely high. We were incredibly fortunate to have had such a talented pool to choose from. And we are extremely fortunate to have Nancy joining the California county family.