Salud Carbajal, Supervisor, Santa Barbara County has been appointed as Chair of the Environment, Energy & Land Use Committee. Supervisor Carbajal was also appointed to an at-large position of the NACo Board of Directors. Liz Kniss, Supervisor, Santa Clara County has been appointed Chair of the Health Committee. Hub Walsh, Supervisor, Merced County has been appointed Chair of the Human Services & Education Committee. Maria Pe, Chief Deputy Tax Collector, San Diego County has been appointed Chair of the Deferred Composition Advisory Committee. Valerie Brown, Supervisor, Sonoma County has been appointed Chair of the International Economic Development Committee. Frank Bigelow, Supervisor, Madera County has been appointed Vice Chair of the Rural Development Subcommittee, Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Supervisor Bigelow was also appointed to a three-year term on the Finance Committee. Brian Dahle, Supervisor, Lassen County has been appointed Vice Chair of the Environment, Energy and Land Use Committee. Patrick Duterte, Director, Health and Social Services, Solano County has been appointed Chair of the Health Disparities Subcommittee, Health Committee. Susan Adams, Supervisor, Marin County has been appointed Vice Chair of the Health Reform Subcommittee, Health Committee. Shirley Zane, Supervisor, Sonoma County has been appointed Vice Chair of the Public Health & Healthy Communities Subcommittee, Health Committee. Ronn Dominici, Supervisor, Madera County has been appointed Vice Chair of the Law Enforcement Subcommittee, Justice & Public Safety. David Finigan, Supervisor, Del Norte County has been appointed Chair of the Airports Subcommittee, Transportation. Kim Dolbow-Vann, Supervisor, Colusa County and Vikki Magee-Bauer, Supervisor, Mono County have been appointed Vice Chairs of the Rural Action Caucus. Scott Haggerty, Supervisor, Alameda County has been appointed Vice Chair of the Large Urban County Caucus. Webster Guillory, Assessor, Orange County has been appointed Vice Chair of the Information Technology Committee. Mr. Guillory has also been appointed Chair of the Essential County Technology Subcommittee, Information Technology. Terry Speiker, Chief Assistant County Administrator, Contra Costa County and Nick Macchione, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, San Diego County have been appointed Vice Chairs of the Healthy Counties Advisory Board. Paul McIntosh, Executive Director, CSAC has been appointed to the FSC Advisory Committee.
These leadership roles speak highly of the caliber and commitment of California counties to issues of national concern. Many officials ask me how they can be considered for leadership roles such as these. The answer is simple – get involved.
California has enjoyed a tremendous working relationship with previous NACo Presidents and that relationship continues with President Lenny Eliason (Ohio), First Vice President Chris Rodgers (Nebraska), and Second Vice President Linda Langston (Iowa). But relationships only go so far. The California county officials who have been appointed have strong histories of working with NACo committees and subcommittees. They attend the NACo Legislative Conference, Western Interstate Regional Conference and the NACo Annual Meeting. Their activities have gained the respect of their colleagues from around the United States and they are regularly looked to for comment and participation in issues affecting America’s counties.
There are a number of ways for California officials to be more active in NACo. You can go to their website and review their committee and subcommittee structure. There are opportunities for elected and non-elected officials alike. If you would like to be appointed to a committee or subcommittee, just let me know – those non-Presidential appointments are handled through the state association. But beyond an appointment to the committee or subcommittee – GET INVOLVED. We can and do make a difference.