Transparency requires both telling the truth and serving the public’s best interests. The City Council in Costa Mesa failed on both counts when it released the names of its employees, along with total compensation figures, for the entire workforce.
And the sad fact is that the disturbingly inaccurate and outdated report reveals an even more disturbing truth: That when the City Council sent layoff notices to 213 employees in March – nearly half its workforce – it took direct aim at the lowest paid and most vulnerable employees, choosing instead to protect the pay and perks of the City’s executive ranks. It’s just another example of a story being played out across America as corporate executives and Wall Street bankers rake in record profits while hard working families lose their jobs, their retirements and the ability to provide safe and secure homes for their families. If the City legitimately sought to be transparent, it would have already disclosed the specifics of the more than $450,000 in no-bid contracts the Council majority has awarded since it began its outsourcing scheme. It would have already disclosed the more than $100,000 the City spends each month in contracted out lawyers – in large part to defend illegal outsourcing that one of their own attorneys advised them they couldn’t successfully pursue.
To be clear, releasing employee personal data in the manner the City chose does not constitute transparency. It constitutes bullying and intimidation, plain and simple.
Still, the glaring misrepresentations in the City’s report and irresponsible and callous way the data was disseminated can’t be ignored. Here are the primary issues the City’s action raises:
Editor’s Note: Yesterday, I published a report about the new compensation report out of Costa Mesa. I received the following response from the Jennifer Muir, Communications Director for the Orange County Employee Association. I have published it in its entirety, at their request.