This means is that in places like Chula Vista or San Diego, where voters – those whose lives are most directly impacted by decisions of governance – decided to cast aside the premise of PLAs through voter approved bans have now had their opinions and democratically declared interests invalidated by Sacramento.
If you were to concede that the majority of Californians approved of PLAs, that still wouldn’t change the fact that residents in their individual communities should and do have the authority to declare their rights under home rule. No longer.
AB 922 was signed into law on Monday, invalidating voter approved PLA Bans in general law cities and counties, and cutting all funding for projects in those charter cities and counties that have chosen to exert their rights.
AB 922 was a bad bill that has become an even worse law.
From the San Diego Union Tribune:
Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a bill that seeks to overturn locally imposed blanket bans on labor friendly agreements for public works projects.
The law could affect a voter-approved measure in San Diego County, as well as ordinances adopted in Chula Vista and Oceanside.
A similar initiative that would ban so-called project labor agreements has qualified for the City of San Diego ballot next year after a successful signature drive.
Read the full article here.