In one week from today, we will be kicking off our 117thAnnual Meeting. Think about that figure; for 117 years, county officials have been coming together to talk about common issues, to work as one and plan for the future. Even back in the 1890s, our county leaders understood the influence they held when working together and speaking with one voice. While they may have arrived in town on horseback and buggy rather than Southwest and BART, one thing hasn’t changed: the value of coming together.

We have worked hard to develop a meeting agenda you will find useful. Our theme, “A Bridge to Reform” is fitting, as we will tackle a number of key reform issues, including realignment, health care and pensions. You will learn the latest news on these controversial and complex issues, and will have an opportunity to weigh in. We will also discuss the proposed initiative filed by the coalition of public service associations to which CSAC belongs. As an Association, we will begin to map out a direction for 2012 – and beyond.

Our major speakers run the gamut, from the legendary former Assembly Speaker Willie Brown to international motivational speaker David Rabiner; from Michael Hingson, who survived 9/11, to Robert Joss, the former dean of the Stanford University School of Business. We will also be joined at the Thursday night banquet by Governor Brown, who will do the honors of swearing in our 2012 officers.

Our turnout of county officials will strong. As of today, representatives from 57 counties are registered.  If you haven’t yet registered for the conference, that’s okay; there are always a number of individuals who registered on-site. Registration begins next Tuesday morning at the conference location: the Hilton San Francisco Union Square. To take an advanced look at the program, click here.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and we look forward to seeing you next week in San Francisco as we begin taking our steps out onto the “bridge of reform.”

About the Author:
David Liebler is the Director of Public Affairs and Member Services for the California State Association of Counties. He can be reached at