A shoddily designed and constructed mansion could lead to jail time for one architect. Prosecutors claim that poor and dangerous design led to the death of an LA firefighter, and are holding Gerhard Becker accountable.
Becker was the architect of a 12,500 square-foot mansion in Hollywood Hills. But when a fire broke out a year ago in the home, the flaws in the design became all too evident. The fire, investigators discovered, was started in a fireplace designed for outdoor use only. It then melted plastic pipes in the attic, causing it to fill with water and eventually collapse on six firefighters. Five were injured, one died.
It’s taken a year for the arrest because shortly after the fire, Becker left the country. A native of Germany, he was arrested after returning to the United States on Saturday. If convicted, he faces four years in prison.
From the Los Angeles Daily News:
The architect of a Hollywood Hills mansion where a ceiling collapsed and killed a firefighter during a blaze was charged Wednesday with involuntary manslaughter as a result of his shoddy work, prosecutors said.
Gerhard Becker, 48, was charged after investigators found grossly negligent construction at the newly built, 12,500-square-foot home, authorities said.
Read the full article here.