Originally posted at www.liberaloc.com
Now that recall petitions have been certified in Fullerton for the recall of three conservative Republican city council members in Fullerton, we anticipate three distinct slates of candidates to emerge. The first is simply the No Recall slate that aims to keep council members Dick Jones, Pat McKinley and Don Bankhead in power on the Fullerton City Council. Expect a Tony Bushala funded slate of conservative Libertarians to challenge the targeted council members whcih could include school board member and paid-recall consultantChris Thompson and perhaps planning commissioner Travis Kieger, who would certain owe any election victories to Mr. Bushala.
And we do anticipate a progressive slate of candidates to emerge. This could include former council member Pam Keller, former school board candidate Aaruni Thakur, and former Green Party Assembly candidate Jane Rands. There’s nothing definite on the left sided front of the recall effort, but it’s a clear alternative for Fullerton voters.
The NoRecall team and the ProBushala slate will split the Republican vote. Those voters who believe the current council needs to pay a price for their inaction on the Kelly Thomas beating death at the hands of some members of the Fullerton Police Departmet but don’t want to be asscoiated with Bushala and his Fullerton Fringer friends can sleep well at night by voting for a progressive slate of candidates. But progressives only need to win two of the three seats to give Fullerton Mayor Sharon Quirk-Silva a majority.
We look forward to seeing how this recall election shapes up.