I’ve been Editor of PublicCEO for the last 18 months, and in that time I can’t recall a week in local government with as many major, unique story lines as last week.
Sure, early in my tenure, Bell was still dominating every news cycle – but in essence that was one story. However, last week Sacramento, San Jose, and Costa Mesa all pursued major policies, and all voted on the same day. It makes me wonder what this week will hold, and what new narratives will emerge during this very busy 2012.
Sacramento finally closed the loop on its long sought-after arena for the Kings. After years of trying to plan, finance, and build a new stadium, the deal that the city council approved 7-2 was a significant step forward. The questions that remain to be answered are many, but for now, the city is basking in its at-long-last progress.
San Jose approved language for its June pension reform ballot measure. Amid a backdrop of signs that either said “true” or “false,” the city council stuck to its claims that the pension fund could soon cost the cit y$650 million per year and voted to put the issue to voters. It is an effort that is sure to define Mayor Chuck Reed’s legacy, and potentially shape the future of pension debates in California.
Costa Mesa continues barreling ahead with its plan to charter, approving language for a June vote just 3 months after the idea was originally introduced. Facing tremendous costs for services, the majority of Costa Mesa’s city council moved to gain greater control over their municipal affairs. It appears that the conversation now occurring is more about the speed than the issue.
How these stories will play out will continue to captivate local government audiences.
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If you think there’s a story that isn’t being covered, please email Dan@PublicCEO.com or call 916.333.5285.