The Engineering and Public Works Division in the city of Santa Barbara proposed to the Council the authorization of a City Professional Services contract with Pueblo Water Resources in the amount of $81,770 for design services for the Corporate Yard Well Replacement Project and the authorization of expenditures of up to $8,200 for extra services.

The city report explains that the Corporate Yard Well was drilled in 1974 to a depth of 675 feet.  The well-produced approximately 500 gallons per minute during its seasonal use from the 1970’s until it was taken out of service in the early 1990’s. The well was reactivated for water production and water quality testing purposes in 2003.  At that time, the well showed signs of sanding, indicating it needed to be rehabilitated. 

Design (by Contract) $89,970
Other Design Costs – City staff, Environmental (Assessments, etc.) $27,000
 Subtotal $116,970
Estimated Construction Costs $1,200,000
 Subtotal $1,200,000

The report states the community outreach will be an important element of the Well Project. Informational project notices will be mailed two to three months ahead of construction to alert residents and homeowners of the pending work.  During construction, door hangers will be distributed to residences directly impacted by the construction project.

This report was prepared by Joshua Haggmark, Principal Civil Engineer.