The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Services Local 2076 represents more than a thousand OC employees, and they’ve taken issue to a raise that was given to the County’s CEO. He was rewarded for months of increased workloads, which they say they’ve suffered for five years.
The raise came in the midst of rounds of labor negotiations, not only with AFSCME but the union that represents the County’s managers as well. But AFSCME says they have been more than cooperative with the County’s efforts to keep down payroll costs.
In 2005, the union rejected enhanced pension benefits that would have switched their members to a 2.7@55 formula, and have forgone raises for the last five years. So the president of the local union, Any Fox, voiced her displeasure at the decision to award a raise to one person when so many find themselves in similar situations.
It isn’t he first time such concerns were voiced, the general manager of the Orange County Employees Association also expressed his displeasure at how the County handles some of its finances when compared with how it handles personnel issues.
Supervisors have routinely voiced their admiration at how the AFSCME has handled themselves for the sake of the County.
Read the full story at the Voice of the OC.