George Mitchell has settled disputes in the past, most notably negotiating a peace treaty in Ireland. But now his talents are being turned back to the domestic front as he has been named as the mediator to settle the CPUC’s fine against Pacific Gas and Electric for the San Bruno disaster.
Sen. Mitchell’s work will be to bring to a close a proceeding that has been underway since the September 2010 explosion claimed the lives of eight and destroyed 38 homes. However, deciding the size of the fine win a closed mediation process has already gather some criticisms from people who prefer the drama play out publicly or even in a courtroom.
Mitchell has also been the target of some criticisms for being named to negotiate the fine against an industry he was once closely tied to.
However displays far more than a connection to the oil and gas industry. His talents were used for three terms in the United State Senate, then to end the war in Ireland, and as the chair of the commission that investigated steroids in Baseball.
Experts expect the fine to be at least $200 million, but say that PG&E could absorb more than $2 billion in fines.
Read the full story at the San Jose Mercury News.