The ‘Gangham Style’ lifeguards of El Monte were offered the opportunity to take the jobs back so they may resign from their posts, eliminating the blemish of being fired from their employment records. Not all are taking the offer.
The offer from the City comes amid continuing studies into policies and what transpired after the team of lifeguards made the parody video of the internet-sensation Psy’s “Gangham Style.” Their video went viral before being discovered by city officials who then fired all involved. The outcry that ensued was massive.
Now, the lifeguards have the opportunity to rejoin the city staff, but only after the independent reviews of the firings and management are completed. Of the 14 guards, however, two are not going to ask for their jobs back. One of those who has declined the offer to stay on in the future is Michael Roa, who masterminded the video. He says that not returning to the City is a way of taking responsibility for the chaos that ensued.
Read the full story at the San Gabriel Valley Tribune.