The High Speed Rail Authority has cast a broad net in its latest attempt to move the project forward. In a lawsuit filed in Civil Court is titled, “High-Speed Rail Authority v. All Persons Interested.”
Instead of battling a litany of independent lawsuits and facing the very real possibility of innumerable future suits, the High Speed Rail Authority is challenging everyone to a “Royal Rumble.” By using the all-at-once approach, the Authority can stave off future suits by saying that interested parties already had their chance in the Courts. It’s a strategy allowed by a rarely used section of the Civil Code.
Already, several lawyers who have suits pending against the Authority have signaled their intent to join the new suit. Even those who hadn’t yet sued the Authority are able to join and each will have their day in court to argue their case.
The suit could grow as more people sign on to argue against the Authority, creating a very large case that could take years to work through the system. However, once the case is done, the arguments end. There will be no more bites at the apple for future litigants.
Read the full article at the San Jose Mercury News.