Since 1985, Clovis has relied upon a landscape maintenance district to care for green spaces in the City that calls itself the “Gateway to the Sierra.” But for the past few years, assessments from LMD1 have fallen short of covering costs, and now the City Council has asked property owners to approve a boost in the assessment.
The increases are designed to boost funding in three different assessment zones within LMD1. Zone 4 will increase from $26 to$36 per year, Zone 5 will increase from $40 to $50 per year, and Zone 7 will increase from $179 to $229 per year.
The mail-in ballots were due back to the City by May 20, when the Council held a public meeting regarding the issue and heard feedback from property owners and interested parties. The actual ballots were tabulated on Saturday, May 21 and the results will be presented to the Council on June 3.