Red-light cameras have been controversial since their inception. But as more and more local governments abandon the programs, efforts to ban the systems entirely – or greatly increase their regulation – steam ahead in the State Legislature. One such measure, which cleared the Assembly on a 72-1 vote, would place new requirements on the cameras in use in some 50 cities.

While proponents of the system have long argued that the cameras make streets safer, the legal arguments opponents use against the system received a boost from a recent court ruling. In the case, California v Borzakian, said that in order to lawful convictions using red light camera requires independent verification. Without the ability to face their accusers – such as the company that operates the system or the police officers who witnessed the crime – individuals’ constitutional rights would be violated.

The implications for the ruling were large, making the use of the systems much more onerous on local governments. AB 612 would also place new requirements on the system if approved, including extending yellow light times by one full second more than the state’s minimums.

Read the full article at the Sacramento Bee.