By Steven Tavares.
The A’s may be in Oakland through 2024 after the Coliseum Authority offered the team a 10-year lease Tuesday to remain at the Coliseum. A press release only noted the length of the proposed deal, but no terms.
“We wanted to send a clear statement to the A’s, the fans, Lew Wolff, and Major League Baseball that we want the A’s at the Coliseum and want to keep baseball in Oakland,” said Coliseum Authority Chairman and Alameda County Supervisor Nate Miley.
“A ten year extension, lasting through the 2024 season, gives the team a place to a call home and our fans and sponsors a window to continue investing their time and passion in this team. We are also working to ensure this deal safeguards county and city taxpayers. We are meeting the A’s management where they say they want to be and hope to conclude these negotiations quickly,” he added.
Shortly after the late evening announcement by the Coliseum Authority, the San Francisco Chronicle reported a response from the team. “The A’s received the Oakland-Alameda County Authority’s proposal earlier this afternoon. While the proposal was for 10 years, it did not address all of our issues. Consequently, we cannot accept the terms of the offer. We have tried to negotiate in good faith for the past several months. As the Authority knows, it is still our preference not to negotiate this agreement through the media.”
Some in Oakland and the county had urged for costly financial penalties to be built into any long-term lease agreement to guard against the team’s ownership one day seeking a ballpark in another city.
A group of East Bay business people are also eyeing a potential ballpark at Howard Terminal near Jack London Square. However, A’s ownership has recently voiced favor for a new stadium at the currently Coliseum complex.