Insurance brokerage and consultant Keenan will be presenting their 11th annual Keenan Summit, Tuesday, March 24 in Oakland and Wednesday, March 25 in Los Angeles. Featured among the outstanding line up of presenters at this year’s Summit will be Lindsey Pollak, a national expert on the Millennial generation in the workplace and New York Times bestselling author. Pollak’s appearance at the Summit is sponsored by the Hartford and she serves as their spokesperson for their My Tomorrow benefits education campaign.

The Millennial (currently those ages 18-31) will be the largest generation – 80 million strong – exceeding even the Baby Boomer generation. By the year 2020, Millennials are projected to make up 50 percent of the workforce. Pollak says, “This dramatic demographic shift will present amazing opportunities for companies that are ready. Now, five years before this historic shift, is a great time for companies to create a 2020 Millennial Action Plan (MAP).”

At the Keenan Summit, Pollak will be presenting the steps that organizations should be planning now to integrate this up and coming generation and prepare them for leadership. Hundreds of representatives of California public agencies have registered to attend this month’s Keenan Summit.

The Summit program will also include legislative experts Joel Wood from the Council of Insurance Agents and Brokers, and Mary Powell from the Trucker Huss law firm to present the outlook statewide and nationally about the Affordable Care Act. The “Cadillac Tax” is expected to loom large in the public sector as many municipal and other local agencies face the threshold for triggering the non-deductible 40% surcharge.

Continuing the Summit tradition for bringing together diverse stakeholder viewpoints, the program will include two panels discussing the changes in financing and delivering health care with the full implementation of the ACA. In the first panel, executives from all major California health plans will have a conversation on the transition. A second panel of representatives from health care provider organizations will talk about the future challenges of access, health care quality and reimbursement in the health care reform environment.

Ergonomics and Safety expert Kathy Espinoza will wrap up the day with an informative presentation on the importance of work/life balance and how achieving better balance can contribute to a safer workplace.

There is still time to register for the Keenan Summit, and there is no cost to attend this educational opportunity. Please visit to register and see more about the events and locations in northern and southern California.