The CPUC Approves CalChoice Implementation Plans for Six Prospective Community Choice Aggregators

By: Karen Villaseñor

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has approved Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) implementation plans for six Southern California communities: Baldwin Park, Commerce, Hanford, Palmdale, Pomona and Santa Paula. All plans were prepared and submitted for CPUC certification with support from the California Choice Energy Authority (CalChoice).

“We’re thrilled to see our partner communities moving forward in the CCA process,” says Jason Caudle, CalChoice Executive Director. “Each city is now a step closer to community rate savings, additional revenue for community programs and remarkable environmental benefits.”

Prior to developing an implementation plan, each city engaged CalChoice to conduct technical studies that would determine their community’s feasibility for a CCA program. CalChoice prepared all implementation plans using key information from the technical studies. All plans were approved by each city’s council before being submitted to the CPUC.

To obtain CPUC certification, cities must outline several items in their CCA implementation plans including the program’s organizational structure, rate setting process and descriptions about third party electricity suppliers. Once certified, cities may move forward with CCA implementation as soon as city council approves. If each city council decides to proceed with CCA, Baldwin Park, Commerce, Hanford, Palmdale, Pomona and Santa Paula are expected to launch in 2020.

Partnership with CalChoice is currently available to local governments in the SCE service territory. To learn more about partnering opportunities with CalChoice, please visit

About CalChoice

CalChoice is a hybrid joint powers authority (JPA) CCA model formed by the cities of Lancaster and San Jacinto. The hybrid JPA was designed to assist cities in California to establish CCA programs without assuming the liability of a single-entity CCA or minimizing local control and sacrificing benefits associated with traditional JPAs. With proven expertise and experience in CCA program implementation, operation and administration, CalChoice can expedite and simplify the process for local governments.

2019-04-03T16:22:19-07:00April 3, 2019|Cities|

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