Three CalChoice team members – Executive Director Jason Caudle, Director of Procurement and Regulatory Cathy DeFalco, and Treasurer Barbara Boswell – will represent CalChoice at the 2019 California Community Choice Association (CalCCA) Annual Meeting from Nov. 6-7 in Redondo Beach.

“In addition to representing the interests of California’s community choice aggregations in Sacramento, CalCCA provides valuable opportunities for the CCA community to network and collaborate,” said Caudle. “I am looking forward to learning from CCAs around the state and sharing successful strategies as we work to strengthen local energy choice.”

The annual conference, which is co-hosted by Redondo Beach’s local CCA Clean Power
Alliance, centers around a key theme: answering the climate challenge. The meeting offers
eight workshops, four panel discussions, and two keynote speeches on various topics related to climate change.

Workshops on Wednesday cover a wide array of technical topics, including project financing and decarbonizing the energy system through electrification. Policy-oriented workshops are offered concurrently with the technical sessions, touching upon equity and inclusion in CCAs and the relationship between wildfires and climate change.

Thursday’s presentations, including a keynote from Assembly Member Al Muratsuci (D-
Torrance), will cover the path to achieving SB 100’s goals, regulatory and legislative challenges, and the future of CCA expansion in the state. Caudle will serve as a panelist on the session about CCA expansion. Kathy Wells, the Energy Projects Coordinator at CalChoice associate member Lancaster Choice Energy, will present during a session about harnessing innovation and collaboration to achieve climate goals.

CalChoice has supported CalCCA’s Annual Meeting as a sponsor since 2017. All five operational associate members of CalChoice are members of CalCCA, and Defalco serves on the CalCCA Board of Directors.

About CalCCA: CalCCA represents the interests of California’s community choice electricity providers in the legislature and at state regulatory agencies. The organization is comprised of operating CCA programs in the state.

About CalChoice:
CalChoice offers support for local governments in every phase of the CCA program
implementation process, providing feasibility services to determine whether a CCA program is appropriate, developing implementation plans for members to submit to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and managing the implementation process to launch the CCA program, as well as continuing to support members once their CCA program becomes operational. To learn more about partnering opportunities with CalChoice, please visit

By Sara Appel. Originally posted at Civic Business Journal