Last night, the Cupertino City Council unanimously approved a resolution to stand in solidarity with the Black community. See the resolution below:
WHEREAS, our country is mourning the senseless killing of George Floyd that occurred in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020. The actions and inactions of the police officers involved were deplorable; and
WHEREAS, the most basic form of injustice and inequity occurs when a group of people feels their safety is placed into jeopardy by the very people entrusted with ensuring their safety; and
WHEREAS, police brutality and racism against the Black community has been persistent in both our past and our present. Systemic injustices, racism, and dehumanization are deeply rooted in our society; and
WHEREAS, it was unquestionably unfair and unacceptable when the lives of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Freddie Gray, Walter Scott, Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, Oscar Grant, and many others were taken as a result of discrimination and inequity. These lives mattered and Black lives matter; and
WHEREAS, the unrest regarding racial injustice, particularly towards the Black community, has been building for decades. Thoughtless violence by our own government only serves to incite more violence; and
WHEREAS, Cupertino is blessed to be a multiracial community, and we decided long ago that mutual understanding and respect develops a much healthier, safer, and caring community; and
WHEREAS, it is important for the community as a whole to stand in solidarity with Black communities across the country.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby affirm its commitment to stand in solidarity with the Black community and resolves as follows:
The City of Cupertino condemns racial inequity in general and violence against the Black community by law enforcement in particular; and
The City of Cupertino does not tolerate discrimination, racial injustice, or police brutality; and
The City of Cupertino demands that Black lives matter; and
The City of Cupertino will oppose any attempts to undermine the safety, security, and rights of members of our community and will work proactively to ensure the rights and privileges of everyone in the City—regardless of race; and
The City of Cupertino will promote safety, a sense of security, and equal protection of constitutional and human rights, leading by example through equitable treatment of all by City officials and departments; and
The City of Cupertino encourages the community to stand together through peaceful exchange and discourse to enact change and move forward towards a future with more equity and inclusion in Cupertino, California, and our country.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 5th day of June 2020.