City of Goleta logoOn Monday, June 8, 2020 at 1:00 p.m., the Goleta City Council will hold a virtual special meeting to consider a resolution condemning police brutality and declaring racism a public health emergency. The resolution is being considered by the council following the recent tragedy against George Floyd and the ensuing activism, advocacy, and protests that have developed across the country.

Community members can participate by watching the virtual meeting and/or providing a comment. View the staff report here:

Participation by E-mail

You can submit an e-mail comment to by noon on Monday, June 8, 2020 to have it read into the record at the council meeting.  Please make sure your e-mail comment does not exceed three minutes.

Participation by Phone For community members who want to participate in the meeting by phone:

  1. Email to be added to the speaker list. Please state your name, your phone number.
  2. Dial-in 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting (1:00 p.m.): Toll-Free Dial-in: (866) 580-6521 Participant passcode: 72295187 followed by #
  3. PLEASE MUTE YOUR PHONE UNTIL YOU ARE CALLED TO SPEAK. If you do not have a mute button, you may mute by pressing the star key followed by the number six (* 6). You can unmute by pressing the same keys (* 6). Comments from the public are limited to 3 minutes per speaker.
  4. Please be respectful and mindful while making your comment; children may be watching the broadcast of the meeting and appropriate language is expected.

 Watch the Council Meeting Live The public can watch the Special City Council meeting live on Channel 19 or live on our website at  If you miss the meeting, it will be rebroadcast on Channel 19 and will be available to watch on the City website.  Sign up to receive an agenda sent to you via email or text here: