City of La Cañada Flintridge logoThe City of La Cañada Flintridge (LCF) is committed to furthering public health education and helping our community utilize all available tools to fight COVID-19. LCF promotes and encourages vigilance in our City and the implementation of health and safety measures. 

The City closely monitors all updates from local, state and national public health authorities. All LCF residents are advised to follow the requirements and guidelines set forth by these agencies as outlined below. 

Wear Face Coverings

Under orders from the Los Angeles County Health Office, the use of face coverings in public is required in Los Angeles County and the City of La Cañada Flintridge to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Covering your nose and mouth when in contact with people outside of your household, or likely to be in contact with people outside of your household, is critical. Without wearing a layer of protection, you are putting others at risk. 

The Center for Disease Control recommends using cloth face coverings with multiple layers of fabric. Your cloth face covering should secure to the ears, completely cover the nose and mouth and fit snugly. Wash your hands before putting on a face covering and handle only by the ear loops or ties. Wash your hands immediately after removing. Wash face coverings by including them in regular laundry. 

According to the CDC, children under 2 and those with exempting medical conditions should not wear face coverings. 

Practice Social (Physical) Distancing

Social distancing is the best tool we have to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Because the virus is so easily transmissible, avoiding close contact with others is the most effective way to guard against contracting or spreading the virus. Residents are advised to maintain a minimum of six feet of distance between themselves and anyone who is not a member of their household, especially in high-risk settings like grocery stores and public transportation. Avoid high-density gatherings and crowds of any kind, eliminate non-essential travel and limit visitors to essential caregivers and delivery or repair personnel. 

Other Safety Tips

Maintaining a rigorous hygiene routine is an essential measure of protection for yourself and others. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol. Routinely clean frequently-touched surfaces like doorknobs, handles and electronics. 

If you or a member of your household is sick with a fever or cough, avoid all in-person interaction except for essential medical care. Wear face coverings within the home when interacting with a sick household member. 

Stay Informed

The City posts up-to-date information on safety policies and protocols, as well as City and County infection data, at For in-depth information on State and County reopening plans, visit For reminders and real-time notices, follow Los Angeles County Public Health (@LAPublicHealth) on Facebook and Twitter. The City posts important reminders and information for LCF residents on Facebook (@CityOfLaCañadaFlintridge) and Twitter (@TheCityOfLCF). 

A special e-mail address has been established to respond to concerns from the community regarding the City’s response to the current crisis. Please feel free to e-mail us at and the City will respond to you.