The San Diego County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to select Supervisor Nathan Fletcher as the new chair for 2021.
The chair acts as the official voice for the board. The chair also presides over its meetings, appoints other supervisors to various committees and fields requests from the other supervisors to place items on the Board’s agenda.
During the virtual organizational meeting, the Board members also selected Supervisor Nora Vargas as the vice chair and Supervisor Joel Anderson as chair pro tempore.
Supervisors Vargas and Anderson were sworn in as new board members Monday along with Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer. The three join Chair Fletcher and Supervisor Jim Desmond who have each served two years. In that space of time, the board has turned over from one that was largely constant for 20 years.
“We did some good work, but it wasn’t enough,” said Chair Fletcher. “We have more to do and we’re going to do it.”
Starting with the board meeting next week, Chair Fletcher said the new board will begin rolling out the framework for the future of San Diego County. The supervisors will begin to tackle racial justice, criminal justice practices, economic and environmental justice and health care equity.
“Our work on Tuesday will simply lay down the foundation for what will come,” said Chair Fletcher. “This is an exciting time for our community and our County. I’m honored to be your chair. Now let’s get to work.”
The upcoming board meetings are scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 12 and Wednesday, Jan. 13 and will be virtual due to COVID-19 safety concerns. For more information on board meetings, visit the Clerk of the Board’s website or call 619-531-5434.