The Vallejo Police Department (VPD) is proud to announce the launch of its Accountability and Transparency webpage on its recently launched website. The purpose of this webpage is to provide the residents of Vallejo with the resources to understand the policies and practices of our police department. The men and women of the Vallejo Police department strive to build trust and confidence as we serve the needs of our community.
“After listening to the community’s concerns and interest surrounding police policies and practices, we hope that this helps to inform our continuing dialogue with the Vallejo community on police practices and reforms within the Vallejo Police Department,” said Chief Williams. “The launch of this new webpage is just another step in our process of furthering our commitment to communicating transparently with our community.”
The new webpage contains six drop down menus where residents can:
- Read the Department’s various policies and manuals
- Read through VPD’s use of force data
- Learn about the Department’s recruitment and demographic data
- Learn more about the Department’s internal misconduct and disciplinary process
- Understand the legal requirements of the Police Department to disclose incident records and their duty to inform the public of their procedures
- Request a public record
Modeled after best practices in community policing, the webpage also emphasizes the Department’s commitment to being open and transparent, listening to the community’s concerns, explaining the department’s actions, and looking inward.
The launch of this new webpage comes on the heels of the Police Department’s new website launch in October 2020. The Department created an easily navigable website for residents to virtually access the Police Department’s services, news and programs. Through the website, visitors may send the Department feedback as well as read about the Department’s Improvement and Reform Plan.
“This new webpage reinforces the transparency of the new website and the Police Department’s commitment to collaborating with the Vallejo community, ” said Public Information Officer Brittany K. Jackson. “We encourage all Vallejo residents to take a few minutes to navigate the new Accountability and Transparency webpage in order to participate in the Police Department’s ongoing conversation about reform with the community.”
For more information about the Vallejo Police Department, please visit For media inquiries, please contact Public Information Officer, Brittany K. Jackson by email at or by phone at (707) 651-7147.