The First 5 Sacramento Commission unanimously approved more than $40 million in funding for contracts that will begin July 2021. Funding over a three-year period is for critical prevention and early intervention programs that will serve young children and their families in Sacramento County. Funding was allocated specifically to:
- Prevent African American Child Deaths
- Strengthen Families/Decrease Child Maltreatment and Trauma
- Improve School Readiness
- Build Quality Child Care Settings
- Increase Breastfeeding
A list of agencies approved for funding can be found on the First 5 Sacramento website.
As stewards of Proposition 10 tobacco tax public funds, First 5s across the state work toward three primary goals: 1) to ensure children receive the best start in life; 2) that parents and caregivers have the tools they need to help their children be successful, life-long learners; and 3) that systems serving children are streamlined and efficient.
“For more than 20 years, First 5 Sacramento has invested considerably in a variety of early intervention and preventive programs serving children and families,” said First District Supervisor and Chair of the First 5 Sacramento Commission Phil Serna. “These programs provide parents and caregivers the necessary tools to ensure children achieve their greatest potential and succeed in life.”
About First 5 Sacramento
Research shows that 90% of a child’s brain develops in the first five years and what parents and caregivers do during these years to support their child’s growth will have a meaningful impact throughout life. Based on this research, California voters passed Proposition 10 in 1998, a tobacco tax, to support programs for expectant parents and children ages 0-5. In the last year, First 5 Sacramento distributed approximately $11 million a year in Prop 10 revenues to programs and services that meet local needs in Sacramento County. All 58 counties have a First 5 Children and Families Commission providing unique local services for that county. More information available at