In the coming 2021-22 Fiscal Year the City of La Verne plans to allocate $6.9 million, pending grant approvals, toward 16 fully funded capital improvement projects. Since its inception in 2013, the City’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) has delivered nearly $28 million in projects and improvements to the La Verne community, with plans to continue this momentum into future years by leveraging grants and other funding sources.
“Significant progress has been made toward maintaining and improving our City’s infrastructure,” said La Verne Mayor Tim Hepburn. “The City is committed to continuing our strategic investment in capital projects for the benefit of all those that live, work and play in La Verne.”
Spanning four categories, projects included in the FY 21-22 CIP budget are funded through a variety of sources and significantly rely on grants, which La Verne staff regularly pursue. Project categories and examples include the following:
Streets and Sidewalks: Building on the City’s current and completed street repair work, the CIP identifies more than $2.5 million for pavement management projects such as rehabilitating Hormel and Ramona Avenues and 5th, 6th, 7th and C Streets, in addition to slurry seal and other similar projects. It also allocates approximately $175,000 to sidewalk repairs and nearly $562,000 to rehabilitate medians along Arrow Highway through the California Natural Resources Agency Urban Greening Grant.
Public Buildings, Facilities and Equipment: The City’s ability to maintain current services to residents will be aided by a $600,000 investment to replace equipment, such as new patrol vehicles, utility trucks and fire apparatus and support vehicles. Public areas and resident experiences in these spaces will also be enhanced through new refuse cans at parks, the building of a stage at Mainiero Square for future community events and tree lighting in the downtown area.
Water, Sewer and Storm Water: Investments, upgrades and repairs to water and sewer lines throughout La Verne will be made in FY 21-22, totally approximately $1.7 million. Additionally, the City will invest in a generator system at Live Oak Water Pumping Station to enhance the facility’s resilience to power outages.
Public Safety Enhancements: The FY 21-22 CIP provides funding for greater security fencing to the La Verne Police and Fire Stations, as well as invests in a new radio repeater system to enhance public safety operations.
While the City of La Verne plans to tackle a robust list of capital improvement projects over the next fiscal year, these types of projects are an ever-evolving and continuous process. There are 41 projects currently programmed through Fiscal Year 2026-27 with a total value of $39.2 million and financed by more than 23 funding sources. Additionally, six new projects for the FY 26-27 period are likely to be added to the CIP: replacement of two air conditioning units at Fire Station 2, Kuns Park and Live Oak Park bathroom updates, pressure reducing valve replacement for the water system, 3rd Street water line replacement and Veterans Hall kitchen updates. The CIP will continue to rely heavily on grant funding, which will be key to filling the currently estimated $1 million funding gap over the next five years.