City of Grover Beach logoThe City of Grover Beach is hosting its second of four legally required public districting hearings on Monday, July 26, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. via SLO-SPAN. At this hearing, National Demographics Corporation will provide another presentation on the districting process and introduce DistrictR, one of the mapping tools that residents can use to draw maps for Council consideration.

The City Council will continue their discussion on where district boundaries should be drawn and seek resident feedback on communities of interest and neighborhoods. Identifying these areas will help the City Council draw district lines that best represent the City’s communities.

Every 10 years, local governments use data from the Census to draw and redraw their voting district lines to reflect how local populations have changed. The City invites members of the Grover Beach community to participate in the districting process to help ensure district lines respect neighborhoods, communities of interest, history and geographical elements.

To encourage more participation in the districting process and provide more guidance on how to use DistrictR, the City is planning to host a community workshop on October 27, 2021. Residents can also represent their community by attending the final two public hearings which will be held on January 24, 2022 and February 28, 2022.

As the districting process continues to advance, the City will regularly update the districting website to include additional details on future public hearings, mapping opportunities, new FAQs and more. To sign up for updates and information about the districting process and future public meetings, please visit

Follow the City’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Nextdoor to keep up with the latest districting news.