The City of Turlock is pleased to announce that the City’s new Chief of Police, Jason Hedden, will be sworn-in to office on February 16, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. at the Harvest Church Downtown Campus Sanctuary, 130 3rd Street in downtown Turlock. Hedden will assume the role that has been held most recently by Interim Police Chief Gary Hampton, who came out of retirement to assist the City in filling the Police Chief vacancy while a comprehensive search was undertaken.  

Media interested in attending should contact Lisa Schimmelfennig at (209) 648-5349 to ensure space is available at the venue.  


After a thorough and competitive selection process, Mr. Hedden’s hiring by Interim City Manager Sarah Tamey Eddy was confirmed by a unanimous vote of the Turlock City Council on January 11,  2022.  

Hedden comes to Turlock with 18-years in law enforcement serving neighboring jurisdictions,  including Waterford and Los Banos, in which he served as Interim Police Chief in 2021. His focus as  Interim Police Chief in Los Banos was on improving morale, public outreach, and recruitment practices.  

In 2022, Hedden received a Presidential appointment to the California League of Cities Policy  Committee on Public Safety. The committee reviews issues related to law enforcement, fire, and life safety policies, including emergency communications, and emergency services, such as ambulance and disaster preparedness.  

Hedden and his wife Casey have lived in Turlock over 16 years. They have three children together who all attend schools in Turlock.  

Interim City Manager, Sarah Tamey Eddy stated: “The City of Turlock is very pleased to have  Jason Hedden serve as our new Chief of Police. Turlock has had some wonderful chiefs and we fully expect Chief Hedden to join their distinguished ranks with the broad base of experience and knowledge he brings to the Turlock Police Department. With his familiarity with Turlock, our  citizens and this community will be well served.”