“After over two years of inadequate funding opportunities caused by the pandemic, the City Council is excited to finally bring the Housing Rehabilitation Program back to life,” said Mayor Tim Hepburn. “Not only will this program help La Verne homeowners maintain and improve their homes, but it will also beautify and modernize our residential areas.”
The City Council conceptually approved the Housing Rehabilitation Program in late 2019; however, due to COVID-19, the program was never implemented. This month, the City allocated $500,000 of its ARPA funds to bring the Housing Rehabilitation Program to fruition and provide grant opportunities for low and moderate income homeowners to improve the quality of their homes.
The income eligibility requirements for the program are based on low and moderate income rates established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Additionally, applicants must be the current owner of the house and use the house as their primary residence. There will also be an inspection process that applicants must submit to prior to receiving a grant.
Grant recipients may use the funds to fix hazardous conditions, improve handicap access and correct building and health code violations. These investments in residential structures throughout the City will enhance the safety of all residents.
- Roof
- Foundation
- Electrical wiring
- Plumbing
- Heating and cooling systems
- Termite and rodent elimination
- Home protection measures
- Elimination of other conditions detrimental to public health and safety
The program is anticipated to begin accepting applications later this summer, and grants will be administered on a first come, first served basis. As the City works with Willdan Engineering to finalize the details of the program, more information and how to apply will be provided.