In April, members of the Roseville Police Department led a multi-departmental graffiti sweep around the City. The purpose of the sweep was to proactively identify and document graffiti sites, determine the property owner, and ultimately coordinate cleanup.
Over two days, nearly 50 City staff members from various city departments formed small teams, divided the City by patrol zones, and headed out in search of unreported graffiti sites. “The teamwork aspect and problem solving was tremendous,” said Police Captain Doug Blake.
The teams identified a total of 154 locations, the majority reported as small graffiti. Of the 154 locations identified, 67 were cleaned onsite. The remaining sites have been marked for future clean up. The graffiti sweep is part of an ongoing effort to meet City Council’s goal for strengthening graffiti and blight abatement as well as maintaining a safe and healthy community.
Below are some of the before and after photos from the collaborative effort: