The California Contract Cities Association recently celebrated its 61st Annual Municipal Seminar (AMS) with a historic turnout, bringing together current and prospective member cities and associate partners. AMS also served as a new beginning for the Contract Cities family, with the Summit introducing the new Executive Board.

“My primary goal this year is to continue to expand our member cities across county lines to increase our reach and advocacy,” stated President Jeff Wood. President Jeff Wood has been a longtime Contract Cities and Executive Board member and is a dedicated advocate for the Contract Cities Family.

The Contract Cities Executive Board is comprised of 24 City electeds and leaders dedicated to bettering the California Contract Cities Association, fighting for local control, and advancing the contracting model. The newly elected members are listed below:

  • Thaddeus McCormack, City of Lakewood City Manager – City Managers/Administrators Committee
    • Thaddeus McCormack became the City Manager of the City of Lakewood in 2017. Throughout his career, Thaddeus has risen through the ranks of local government and has been an active voice in the Gateway region. In addition to his new role as the City Managers and Administrators Chair on the Contract Cities Executive Board, Thaddeus serves as the chair of the City Managers Committee of the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority, the treasurer of the Gateway Cities Council of Governments and the chair of its City Managers Steering Committee.
  • Steve Tye, City of Diamond Bar Councilmember – Director-at-Large
    • Councilmember Steve Tye was elected to the City of Diamond Bar City Council in 2005 and has since been a four-term Mayor and four-term Councilmember. Before joining the Diamond Bar City Council, Steve served on the Diamond Bar planning commission and Parks and Recreation Commission for many years. As a dedicated Contract Cities member, Steve will continue his advocacy as a Direct-at-Large on the Executive Board.
  • John Erickson, City of West Hollywood Councilmember – Legislative Committee Vice Chair
    • Councilmember John Erickson was elected to the City of West Hollywood City Council in 2020. Before joining the City Council, John worked in the City of West Hollywood City Hall and served as the Vice-Chair of West Hollywood’s Planning commission. Since joining the West Hollywood Council, John has focused on sensible health practices, affordable housing, reducing traffic through alternative transportation and more. John will be joining the Contract Cities Executive Board as the new Vice Chair of the Legislative Committee to help promote fair legislation that affects all member cities.
  • Lori Woods, City of Signal Hill Councilmember -Resolutions Committee
    • Councilmember Lori Woods was elected to the City of Signal Hill City Council in 2013. Since joining the City Council, Lori has worked on providing quality public services and promoting a sound local economy while focusing on residential quality of life and small businesses. Since serving as the Mayor of Signal hill in 2017, Lori has focused on the development of neighborhood-based emergency preparedness plans and worked to encourage all Signal Hill residents to support our local economy by shopping locally. Lori will continue to assist the Contract Cities family through her new role on the Executive Board as the Resolutions Committee chair.

In addition to approving new members, the board elected the following officers:

  • Jeff Wood – President
  • Ali Taj – Vice President
  • Dr. Julian Gold – Secretary/Treasurer

With the help and leadership of President Jeff Wood, the Contract Cities board is jumping right into a new year of continued dedication to helping cities of all sizes fight for local control. For more information on the new faces of the Executive Board, visit