The City of Santa Clara is thrilled to announce that the City of Santa Clara and the City of Cupertino have been awarded nearly $8.5 million in state grant funding to expand the Via-Cupertino On-Demand Shuttle service into Santa Clara using a fleet of zero-emission vehicles.
Announced on July 7, 2022, the grant funding is part of the Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) issued by the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA). The program aims to expand transit and intercity rail service while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
“This is just a wonderful partnership with the City of Cupertino to bring more transit options to those in our community who need it most,” says Mayor Lisa M. Gillmor. “As our City transit becomes more interconnected to the region, it’s important we’re reaching the underserved first, and also looking to the future with more energy efficient, environmentally friendly public transit.”
Over the next 5 years, the service expansion will focus on offering improved connections between local Caltrain, Amtrak, and VTA stations to job centers and other destinations such as Kaiser Santa Clara while providing increased transit access for disadvantaged communities, high poverty zones, and senior populations.