The City of Riverside, in partnership with #CaliforniansForAll Youth Jobs Corps, is recruiting as many as 25 youth “Fellows” to increase youth employment, help youths get career experience, and to address key areas of climate, food insecurity and local COVID-19 recovery.
Mayor Patricia Lock Dawson worked through the Big City Mayors Initiative to secure $4.4 million in Youth Job Corps Funding. The Big City Mayors Initiative advocates for California’s 13 largest municipalities on issues that affect the State’s largest population centers.
The initiative seeks to bring together youth across the state to help address urgent challenges in California’s communities. The City and non-profit partners will hire about 50 “CaliforniansForAll Fellows” during the next two years.
“I am so happy to see the CaliforniansForAll Fellows program begin recruitment,” shares Mayor Lock Dawson. “This is an opportunity for a new generation of civic minded community members to step forward and make a difference.”
CaliforniansForAll offers employment for youth ages 16-30 to develop career pathways and interest towards a career in public service in the key areas of education, climate, and food insecurity. The City will place Fellows in part-time positions for as long as two years with key municipal departments, such as Parks, Recreation, and Community Services, Public Works Street Trees Division, The Office of Homeless Solutions, and the Fire Department Office of Emergency Services.
Fellows will work with partners like homeless shelters, food pantries, agricultural collectives, and urban forestry and energy sustainability programs. Fellows will be paid at least $15/hour with job training and wrap-around services to make placements fulfilling and develop future careers.
“This is beyond exciting,” Mayor Pro Tem Ronaldo Fierro said. “It’s community investment on a human scale and will produce impacts on issues critical to sustainability in Riverside. This is a fantastic initiative that will help train the leaders of tomorrow.”
The City will work with community partners to offer job readiness training, including quarterly workshops focused on leadership development and networking opportunities. The program will also assist in Riverside’s road to Covid-19 recovery and implementation of the City’s Envision Riverside 2025 Strategic Plan.
Recruitment information about the grant can be found at:
The Project webpage can be found at: